
  1. Club directory
(ehem.) Victoria Highlanders
Football Association The Canadian Soccer Association
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Former players (ehem.) Victoria Highlanders
Cody Michael Ackinclose  |  Wesley Barrett  |  Carlo Basso  |  Doron Blakely  |  Caleb Clarke  |  Dominic Colantonio  |  MacKenzie Robert Cole  |  Jordan Allan De Graaf  |  Mark deFreitas Almeida  |  Ryan Dhillon  |  Jamar Dixon  |  Lennart Daniel Dobravsky  |  Stephen Ewashko  |  Robert David Ferrari  |  Andrew Fitzpatrick  |  Samuel John Fletcher  |  Emmanuel Leonardo Gómez  |  Élie William Gindo  |  Craig Gorman  |  Shō Gotō  |  Andrew Richard Gray Jr.  |  Ian Christopher Greedy  |  Connor Warren Guilherme Marques  |  Mahdi Hammoud  |  Stuart Pearce Heath  |  Matthew Heppell  |  Noah Hrdlička  |  Govinda Innes  |  Darren Jack Jones  |  Diaz Jamin Kambere  |  Stuart William Klenner  |  Eva Mick Kray Batousol  |  Fabien Kurimata  |  Noah Jacob Lechelt  |  Brett Levis  |  Thomas Mallette  |  Matthew Charles McColl  |  Liam McManaman  |  James William Merriman  |  Christopher Merriman  |  Callum Montgomery  |  Dieu Merci N'dembo Michel  |  Victory Ngabo Shumbusho  |  Goteh Lumé Ntignée  |  Riley O'Neill  |  Kent Oppelt  |  Daniel Paton Cavanagh  |  Owen Pearce  |  Alec Michael Petrizzi  |  Saša Plavšić  |  Matthew Ryan Polster  |  Samuel Prette  |  Adam Ravenhill  |  Alexander Rowley  |  Jake Ruby  |  Leonard Sánchez Olíva  |  Sahil Sandhu  |  Kalem DaMarcus Scott  |  Elyad Jan Shojaei  |  Sachdev Singh Grewal  |  Camron Kartar Singh Hundal  |  Sean Speirs  |  Jared Stephens  |  Cameron James Stokes  |  Simon Edmund Thomas  |  Iskander Patrice Van Doorne  |  Joshua David Walter  |  Jonathan Jacob Walter  |  Brandon Watson  |  Joël Wilson  |  Sean Douglas Young
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